Professional JavaScript for Web Developers 第四版学习笔记 CHAPTER 18:ANIMATION AND GRAPHICS WITH CANVAS

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Using requestAnimationFrame 672
Early Animation Loops 672
Problems with Intervals 673
requestAnimationFrame 673
cancelAnimationFrame 674
Performance Throttling with requestAnimationFrame 674
Basic Canvas Usage 676
The 2D Context 677
Fills and Strokes 677
Drawing Rectangles 677
Drawing Paths 679
Drawing Text 681
Transformations 683
Drawing Images 686
Shadows 687
Gradients 687
Patterns 689
Working with Image Data 689
Compositing 691
WebGL 692
The WebGL Context 693
WebGL Basics 693
 Constants 694
 Method Naming 695
 Getting Ready to Draw 695
 Viewports and Coordinates 695
 Buffers 696
 Errors 697
 Shaders 697
 Drawing 701
 Textures 703
 Reading Pixels 703
WebGL1 versus WebGL2 704
Summary 705