Professional JavaScript for Web Developers 第四版学习笔记 CHAPTER 8: OBJECTS, CLASSES, AND OBJECT-ORIENTED PROGRAMMING
Understanding Objects 251
Types of Properties 252
Data Properties 252
Accessor Properties 254
Defining Multiple Properties 255
Reading Property Attributes 256
Merging Objects 257
Object Identity and Equality 260
Enhanced Object Syntax 261
Property Value Shorthand 261
Computed Property Keys 262
Concise Method Syntax 263
Object Destructuring 264
Nested Destructuring 266
Partial Destructuring Completion 267
Parameter Context Matching 268
Object Creation 268
Overview 268
The Factory Pattern 269
The Function Constructor Pattern 269
Constructors as Functions 272
Problems with Constructors 272
The Prototype Pattern 273
How Prototypes Work 274
Understanding the Prototype Hierarchy 278
Prototypes and the “in” Operator 281
Property Enumeration Order 283
Object Iteration 284
Alternate Prototype Syntax 285
Dynamic Nature of Prototypes 286
Native Object Prototypes 287
Problems with Prototypes 288
Inheritance 289
Prototype Chaining 289
Default Prototypes 291
Prototype and Instance Relationships 291
Working with Methods 292
Problems with Prototype Chaining 294
Constructor Stealing 294
Passing Arguments 295
Problems with Constructor Stealing 296
Combination Inheritance 296
Prototypal Inheritance 297
Parasitic Inheritance 298
Parasitic Combination Inheritance 299
Classes 302
Class Definition Basics 302
Class Composition 303
The Class Constructor 303
Instantiation 304
Understanding Classes as Special Functions 306
Instance, Prototype, and Class Members 307
Instance Members 307
Prototype Methods and Accessors 308
Static Class Methods and Accessors 309
Non-Function Prototype and Class Members 310
Iterator and Generator Methods 311
Inheritance 312
Inheritance Basics 312
Constructors, HomeObjects, and super() 313
Abstract Base Classes 316
Inheriting from Built-in Types 317
Class Mixins 318
// Define object with pseudo-private member 'year_'
// and public member 'edition'
let book = {
year_: 2017,
edition: 1
Object.defineProperty(book, "year", {
get() {
return this.year_;
set(newValue) {
if (newValue > 2017) {
this.year_ = newValue;
this.edition += newValue - 2017;
book.year = 2018;
console.log(book.edition); // 2
相关方法:Object.defineProperties(),Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(), Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(),Object.assign(),
// With object destructuring
let person = {
name: 'Matt',
age: 27
let { name: personName, age: personAge } = person;
console.log(personName); // Matt
console.log(personAge); // 27
the “in” Operator
There are two ways to use the in operator: on its own or as a for-in loop. When used on its own, the in operator returns true when a property of the given name is accessible by the object, which is to say that the property may exist on the instance or on the prototype.
changing the prototype to a different object severs the tie between the constructor and the original prototype.
function Person() {}
let friend = new Person();
Person.prototype = {
constructor: Person,
name: "Nicholas",
age: 29, job: "Software Engineer",
sayName() {
friend.sayName(); // error
// class declaration
class Person {}
// class expression
const Animal = class {};
1.Everything defined in the class body is defined on the class prototype object.
2.Methods can be defined in either location, but member data such as primitives and objects cannot be added to the prototype inside the class body.
3.Class definitions also support getters and setter accessors.
class Vehicle {}
// Inherit from class
class Bus extends Vehicle {}
ES6 classes support a single inheritance format. Using the extends keyword, you are able to inherit from anything that has a [[Construct]] property and a prototype. For the most part, this means inheriting from another class, but this also allows for backwards compatibility with function constructors
Derived class methods have a reference to their prototype via the super keyword. This is only available for derived classes, and only available inside the constructor or inside static methods. super is used inside the constructor to control when to invoke the parent class constructor.super can also be used inside static methods to invoke static methods defined on the inherited class.
// Abstract base class
class Vehicle {
constructor() {
if ( === Vehicle) {
throw new Error('Vehicle cannot be directly instantiated');
You can prevent direct instantiation by checking that is never the abstract base class.