IndexedDB之并发问题(Concurrency Issues)

欢欢欢欢 发表于 2018-3-2 13:29

While IndexedDB is an asynchronous API inside of a web page, there are still concurrency issues. If the same web page is open in two different browser tabs at the same time, it’s possible that one may attempt to upgrade the database before the other is ready. The problematic operation is in setting the database to a new version, and so calls to setVersion() can be completed only when there is just one tab in the browser using the database.



When you first open a database, it’s important to assign an onversionchange event handler. This callback is executed when another tab from the same origin calls setVersion(). The best response to this event is to immediately close the database so that the version upgrade can be completed. For example:



var request, database; request =“admin”);

request.onsuccess = function(event){

database =;

database.onversionchange = function(){ database.close(); };


You should assign onversionchange after every successful opening of a database.



When you are calling setVersion(), it’s also important to assign an onblocked event handler to the request. This event handler executes when another tab has the database open while you’re trying to update the version. In that case, you may want to inform the user to close all other tabs before attempting to retry setVersion(). For example:



var request = database.setVersion(“2.0”);

request.onblocked = function(){ alert(“Please close all other tabs and try again.”); };

request.onsuccess = function(){ //handle success, continue on };

Remember, onversionchange will have been called in the other tab(s) as well.



By always assigning these event handlers, you will ensure your web application will be able to better handle concurrency issues related to IndexedDB.

