
欢欢欢欢 发表于 2018-2-28 16:13


For some data sets, you may want to specify more than one key for an object store. For example, if you’re tracking users by both a user ID and a username, you may want to access records using either piece of data. To do so, you would likely consider the user ID as the primary key and create an index on the username. 



To create a new index, first retrieve a reference to the object store and then call createIndex(), as in this example:



var store = db.transaction(“users”).objectStore(“users”), index = store.createIndex(“username”, “username”, { unique: true });

The first argument to createIndex() is the name of the index, the second is the name of the property to index, and third is an options object containing the key unique. This option should always be specified so as to indicate whether or not the key is unique across all records. Since username may not be duplicated, this index is not unique.



The returned value from createIndex() is an instance of IDBIndex. You can also retrieve the same instance via the index() method on an object store. For example, to use an already existing index named “username”, the code would be:



var store = db.transaction(“users”).objectStore(“users”), index = store.index(“username”);

An index acts a lot like an object store. You can create a new cursor on the index using the openCursor() method, which works exactly the same as openCursor() on an object store except that the result.key property is filled in with the index key instead of the primary key. Here’s an example:



var store = db.transaction(“users”).objectStore(“users”),

index = store.index(“username”), request = index.openCursor();

request.onsuccess = function(event){

//handle success };

An index can also create a special cursor that returns just the primary key for each record using the openKeyCursor() method, which accepts the same arguments as openCursor(). The big difference is that event.result.key is the index key and event.result.value is the primary key instead of the entire record.



var store = db.transaction(“users”).objectStore(“users”),

index = store.index(“username”), request = index.openKeyCursor();

request.onsuccess = function(event){

//handle success

//event.result.key is the index key, event.result.value is the primary key };

You can also retrieve a single value from an index by using get() and passing in the index key, which creates a new request:


var store = db.transaction(“users”).objectStore(“users”), index = store.index(“username”), request = index.get(“007”);

request.onsuccess = function(event){ //handle success };

request.onfailure = function(event){ //handle failure };

To retrieve just the primary key for a given index key, use the getKey() method. This also creates a new request but result.value is equal to the primary key value rather than the entire record:



var store = db.transaction(“users”).objectStore(“users”), index = store.index(“username”), request = index.getKey(“007”);

request.onsuccess = function(event){

//handle success

//event.result.key is the index key, event.result.value is the primary key };

In the onsuccess event handler in this example, event.result.value would be the user ID.



At any point in time, you can retrieve information about the index by using properties on the IDBIndex object:



name — The name of the index.

keyPath — The property path that was passed into createIndex().

objectStore — The object store that this index works on.

unique — A Boolean indicating if the index key is unique.


name — 索引名。

keyPath — 被传入createIndex()的属性路径。

objectStore — 索引隶属于的对象存储。

unique — 标识索引键值是否唯一的布尔值。

The object store itself also tracks the indexes by name in the indexNames property. This makes it easy to figure out which indexes already exist on an object using the following code:



var store = db.transaction(“users”).objectStore(“users”),

indexNames = store.indexNames, index, i = 0, len = indexNames.length;

while(i < len){

index = store.index(indexNames[i++]);

console.log(“Index name: “ + + “, KeyPath: “ + index.keyPath + “, Unique: “ + index.unique); }

This code iterates over each index and outputs its information to the console.



An index can be deleted by calling the deleteIndex() method on an object store and passing in the name of the index:



var store = db.transaction(“users”).objectStore(“users”);


Since deleting an index doesn’t touch the data in the object store, the operation happens without any callbacks.

