IndexedDB之键值范围(Key Ranges)

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Key Ranges 键值范围

Working with cursors may seem suboptimal since you’re limited in the ways data can be retrieved. Key ranges are used to make working with cursors a little more manageable. A key range is represented by an instance of IDBKeyRange. The standard version is IDBKeyRange, which is supported in Internet Explorer 10+ and Firefox 4+, while Chrome supports this type with webkitIDBKeyRange. As with other types related to IndexedDB, you’ll first need to create a local copy, taking these differences into account:



var IDBKeyRange = window.IDBKeyRange || window.webkitIDBKeyRange;

There are four different ways to specify key ranges. The first is to use the only() method and pass in the key you want to retrieve:



var onlyRange = IDBKeyRange.only(“007”);

This range ensures that only the value with a key of “007” will be retrieved. A cursor created using this range is similar to directly accessing an object store and calling get(“007”).



The second type of range defines a lower bound for the result set. The lower bound indicates the item at which the cursor should start. For example, the following key range ensures the cursor starts at the key “007” and continues until the end:



//start at item “007”, go to the end

var lowerRange = IDBKeyRange.lowerBound(“007”);

If you want to start at the item immediately following the value at “007”, then you can pass in a second argument of true:



//start at item after “007”, go to the end

var lowerRange = IDBKeyRange.lowerBound(“007”, true);

The third type of range is an upper bound, indicating the key you don’t want to go past by using the upperBound() method. The following key ensures that the cursor starts at the beginning and stops when it gets to the value with key “ace”:



//start at beginning, go to “ace”

var upperRange = IDBKeyRange.upperBound(“ace”);

If you don’t want to include the given key, then pass in true as the second argument:


//start at beginning, go to the item just before “ace”

var upperRange = IDBKeyRange.upperBound(“ace”, true);

To specify both a lower and an upper bound, use the bound() method. This method accepts four arguments, the lower bound key, the upper bound key, an optional Boolean indicating to skip the lower bound, and an optional Boolean indicating to skip the upper bound. Here are some examples:



//start at “007”, go to “ace”

var boundRange = IDBKeyRange.bound(“007”, “ace”);

//start at item after “007”, go to “ace”

var boundRange = IDBKeyRange.bound(“007”, “ace”, true);

//start at item after “007”, go to item before “ace”

var boundRange = IDBKeyRange.bound(“007”, “ace”, true, true);

//start at “007”, go to item before “ace”

var boundRange = IDBKeyRange.bound(“007”, “ace”, false, true);

Once you have defined a range, pass it into the openCursor() method and you’ll create a cursor that stays within the constraints:


var store = db.transaction(“users”).objectStore(“users”), range = IDBKeyRange.bound(“007”, “ace”);

request = store.openCursor(range);

request.onsuccess = function(event){

var cursor =;

if (cursor){ //always check

console.log(“Key: “ + cursor.key + “, Value: “ + JSON.stringify(cursor.value));

cursor.continue(); //go to the next one } else { console.log(“Done!”); } };

This example outputs only the values between keys “007” and “ace”, which are fewer than the previous section’s example.

