IndexedDB 之对象仓库(Object Stores)

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Object Stores

Once you have established a connection to the database, the next step is to interact with object stores. If the database version doesn’t match the one you expect then you likely will need to create an object store. Before creating an object store, however, it’s important to think about the type of data you want to store.




Suppose that you’d like to store user records containing username, password, and so on. The object to hold a single record may look like this:



var user = { username: “007”, firstName: “James”, lastName: “Bond”, password: “foo” };

Looking at this object, you can easily see that an appropriate key for this object store is the username property. A username must be globally unique, and it’s probably the way you’ll be accessing data most of the time. This is important because you must specify a key when creating an object store. Here’s how you would create an object store for these users:

翻译:看看这个对象,你能一眼看出这个对象最合适的主键是 username 属性。username属性一定是全局唯一的。他可能是你访问数据最多的方式。这个很重要,因为创建对象存储的时候,你必须指定一个主键。下面是如何为这些users创建一个对象存储:

var store = db.createObjectStore(“users”, { keyPath: “username” });

The keyPath property of the second argument indicates the property name of the stored objects that should be used as a key.



Since you now have a reference to the object store, it’s possible to populate it with data using either add() or put(). Both of these methods accept a single argument, the object to store, and save the object into the object store. The difference between these two occurs only when an object with the same key already exists in the object store. In that case, add() will cause an error while put() will simply overwrite the object. More simply, think of add() as being used for inserting new values while put() is used for updating values. So to initialize an object store for the first time, you may want to do something like this:



//where users is an array of new users

var i=0, len = users.length;

while(i < len){



Each call to add() or put() creates a new update request for the object store. If you want verification that the request completed successfully, you can store the request object in a variable and assign onerror and onsuccess event handlers:



//where users is an array of new users

var i=0, request, requests = [], len = users.length;

while(i < len){

request = store.add(users[i++]);

request.onerror = function(){ //handle error };

request.onsuccess = function(){ //handle success };



Once the object store is created and filled with data, it’s time to start querying.

